Remote sites

Piwigo offers the possibility to use several servers to store the photos which will fill your gallery. It can be useful if your gallery is installed on a server with limited space and you have a huge number of images to display.

  1. Edit the file tools/, by modifying the parameters section such as $conf['prefix_thumbnail'] or $conf['use_exif'].
  2. Using FTP, place the files tools/create_listing_file.php and tools/ (modified) on your remote website, in the same directory as your album directories (as the directory galleries of this website). For example, let's say that you can access
  3. Go to Administration » Tools » Site manager. Create a new site, for example
  4. A new remote site is registered. You can perform 4 actions:
    1. Generate listing: launches a remote request to generate a remote file listing
    2. Synchronise: reads the remote listing.xml file and synchronises with database information
    3. Clean:removes remote listing.xml file
    4. Delete: deletes the site (and all related albums and photos) in the databas